Welcome to the
Maserati Club
of Australia Inc.

The Maserati Club of Australia, Inc. was founded in 1981. It is based in Melbourne, presently the home of the Australian Grand Prix for Formula One, which is run in March each year at the Albert Park Lake circuit.

The Club is a voting member of Motor Sport Australia which is the body responsible for the management of motor sport in Australia. The Club is also a voting member of AOMC (Association of Motoring Clubs) and active subscriber to the VicRoads Club Plate scheme

Secretary’s Message

A New Direction for our Club

At our recent AGM it was announced that from this year, 2024, our Club would no longer be hosting motorsport events such as competitive track days. Instead we will be focussing our attention on providing the necessary support to our members in maintaining their clubsport licences and their participation in the VicRoads Club Plate Scheme.

We will continue:

•  to be a voting member of Motorsport Australia
•  to be a voting member of the Association of Motoring Clubs (AOMC)
•  to be an active subscriber to the VicRoads Club Plate Scheme
•  to host social events for our Members their family and friends
•  to offer to our members participation in events being hosted by partner Clubs.

The change in member participation has become increasingly more evident over the last few years. We have noticed that, probably as a consequence of an aging demographic, fewer and fewer of our members are participating in either motorsport or driving events. These events take a lot of man-power to host and also require enough participants to break-even – let alone make a profit. We are not the only Club experiencing this change – there is a general decline in member participation in all forms of social clubs. At the same time, those members who have classic cars on historic or club plates have remained a very strong Club contingent.

The members of the 2024 Committee are all committed to finding the best way forward for the Club and welcome all suggestions from our membership.